Digital Life
Useful Digital Citizenship Tools and Resources for Parents
To Support and Help Protect Your Children
School Presentations on Digital Life:
Digital Safety and Managing Screen Time: November 2023 Parent Session (EY-Gr.5) - Tips and practices to make the best use of screen time for children
Managing and Monitoring Screen Time by Ms Tina, Ms C, Ms Makky (EY-Gr.5) - What is screen time? How to manage children with devices at home? Practical tips on how to monitor screen use and develop responsibilities and self regulation.
Managing ScreenTime by Ms Tina (Prep-Gr.1) - What is screen time? What are the benefits of using technology and the symptoms of too much screen time? Ways to establish healthy boundaries with screen use.
Managing ScreenTime by Ms C (Gr.2-5) - What is screen time? How does it affect children? What are the benefits of using technology and the symptoms of too much screen time? Ways to establish healthy boundaries with screen use.
Digital Life Resources for Parents by Ms Makky (Prep-Gr.5) - Specific tips and demonstration on how to manage the settings of the children’s devices at home.
Demystifying Social Media for Parents - (Gr.6-12) - Discuss digital use and mental health of students, and strategies for responsible digital use.
Useful websites for parents:
Use Common Sense Media to look up information for families to promote safe technology and media for children. Download their Family Media Agreement and revise it with your child to develop a balanced lifestyle at home.
Check Common Sense Media’s article on Tools to Help Kids Stay Focused During Distance Learning
Check the PBS website for advice for parenting in a digital world.
Screenagers is a good site to support parents about setting up a balanced media diet with kids. Subscribe to Dr. Ruston’s Tech Talk Tuesday (TTT) to receive conversation starters about social media, video game use, tech tips, latest research and more.
American Academy of Pediatrics’ Healthy Children website has a lot of articles with information on mindful use of media and technology. Parents like to check out what they are saying about screen time and how to make a family media plan with their children.
List of Screentime management apps with descriptions and articles.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Apps and tools for managing home devices:
Circle Home – Manage all of your home’s connected devices. With Circle, parents can filter content, limit online screen time and set a bedtime for every device in the home.
Healthy Children Family Media Plan – The American Academy of Pediatrics site offers an interactive online tool to help you to think about your family media use and create goals and rules that are in line with your family’s values.
Moment Family – Manage your family’s screen time from your own phone and set up time for your entire family to be screen-free using family dinner time.
Note: The tools and resources on this page are listed in no particular order and are updated constantly. The links mentioned on this site are only suggested tools and resources that we have found online or have been recommended by parents. CDNIS do not provide technical support for these tools.