1:1 iPad Programme (Grades 1-3)
Every Grade 1 – 3 student are required to have their own iPad to develop digital literacy with a digital portfolio. By personalising the iPad, students can develop confidence and competence in literacy development, digital citizenship, communication and collaboration with a wider range of audience.
2024-2025 CDNIS Recommended iPad Model or equivalent (updated March 2025)
11-inch iPad A16 Wi-Fi 256GB
AppleCare+ is recommended for all student iPads for added protection.
iPads Stay at School
Under normal circumstances, it is intended for security and balance reasons that the Grade 1-3 iPad will be kept at school and sent home in the summer holiday. This arrangement is subject to review and parents will be notified with the changes.
iPad Foam Cases and Headsets
For better learning experience, students should have an iPad foam case and a headset with recording function on their own. This is required for all students in Grades 1-3. Students with iPad with USB-C port might need to purchase a USB-C to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter for their headsets.
On Withdrawing from the School
CDNIS has a number of agreements with our software suppliers. The School’s software is specifically dedicated for our educational needs. Regrettably, we cannot extend those software licenses to students who depart or graduate from CDNIS.
Please follow the leavers procedures to back up and reset your device before leaving school.
The Admissions Office will be notified once the process is completed. For those students who fail to comply with the above procedures, the School reserves the right to withhold transcripts and unregister the devices remotely.
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Contact Us
If you have any questions about the MacBook programme, you may contact us at the school's digital service center at onedoor@cdnis.edu.hk.
If you have any questions regarding orders of a device, kindly contact Senco-Masslink Technology Limited, info@sencohk.com, +852 2511-5760.